I am an incoming assistant professor (starting October, 2024) in the Electa group of the KU Leuven - Technologiecampus Gent, which is part of the department of electrical engineering (ESAT) of KU Leuven, as well as EnergyVille. Prior to that, I have been a postdoc and a PhD student at Electa (Leuven) and EnergyVille, in prof. Dirk Van Hertem’s group. During my PhD and postdoc time, I visited the Zuse Institute in Berlin, Germany, and CSIRO Energy in Newcastle (NSW), Australia, for a few months.
📢 I have an opening for a Ph.D. student, do not hesitate to contact me ❗
I am interested in (developing) computational tools and methods for pretty much all-things (electricity) distribution system modelling and optimization. In particular, my main interests and expertise lie in the exploitation of digital measurements to achieve a better understanding of the network state and physical properties, as well as the development of solutions that improve current network management practices. As a general rule, I favor exact methods, unless there really is a strong case for approximations or heuristics, and solutions that are applicable to generic real-life distribution networks.
Check my publications on google scholar (link below) for a better overview of my research activities/expertise. If you would like to collaborate on something - even if it slightly deviates from the topics above -, or if you would like to ask about PhD/postdoc positions, just send me an e-mail to check mutual interest and availability.
Presently, my main research activities include:
No blog posts currently.
This website is work in progress, please check the section on my research interests above.
Work in progress.
If you would like to contact me, please do so at the e-mail address below.